Tag: small town
Go into the wild with a clear conscience. What does a person lose/find when he/she moves from a metropolis to a small town?
If you ask people why they leave the metropolis, you’ll probably hear pragmatic explanations. They say that they’re tired of living in a noisy city and dreaming of the fresh air and silence of the village. But this is the first layer. But if you get a person to talk to, he will tell you a different story. About the desire to feel like oneself, and not like a programmed creature the metropolis turns us into. About the happiness of working in your own garden and looking at the clouds and the fields. This is a great option for a movie night.
Leaving a metropolis, a person loses his/her usual environment, which can become one of the main difficulties of the country life. We also lose social connections, important for our work and projects. The big city forgets about us.
In a free online HD movie, metropolis looks like a lifeless mechanism that uses the person as a cog. And who wants to be a small cog? People usually leave the big cities to find themselves. Important fact: former residents of largest cities are characterized by optimism and creative and social initiative. They often try to do something good out of something bad.
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