Tag: robot
The main law of robotics states: a robot cannot harm a person. However, it is often violated, and humanity is in mortal danger from those who were created to make life easier for people. Then, the characters have to fight for their lives with the creations of their hands, out of control.
The main characters of our online selection of movies about robots that you can watch online, oddly enough, are people who found themselves in mortal danger because of the artificial intelligence they created, which decided to enslave their creators.
However, there are other robots – those that follow their purpose and help people fight both with their evil “brothers” and with other villains’ intent on destroying humanity. Watch online, for free and without registration in our collection of fiction about robots.
If a movie about robots appears in the cinema, then you can already expect audience success from it. After all, those robots, about which famous science fiction movies were shot, have long turned into real movie stars, along with famous human actors.
Companion (2025)
Betty Austin, Drew Hancock
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Abbie Sheridan, Adam Morris, Andy Madden, Annie Penn, Barney Shakespeare, Clare Glass, Cynthia Ruiz, Dan Channing-Williams, David Keadell, Fraser Fennell-Ball, Gareth Edwards, Garún Daníelsdóttir, Guy Mannerings, Israr Azam, James McGrady, John Mahaffie, Jonny Eagle, Josh Methven, Laura Miles, Natalie Wright-Cella, Phoebe Vale Markham, Roxanne Cuenca, Ryan Newberry, Sarah Mooney, Scott Nankivel, Simon Crane, Sussanah Madden, Suzi Wilson, Tamir Naber, Tarik Afifi, Teariki Leonard, Toby Evans, Toby Hefferman, Toby Hosking, Tom Edmondson, Tom Mulberge, Tom Turner, Tom White, William Thomas MöllerNo More Posts Available.
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