Tag: rebel
The time of growing up is not easy for everyone — there is plenty of energy, and there are a lot boring laws and rules which were only invented to break them. We present movies for online watching, where the main characters may sometimes rebel simply because of age and disrespect to the father’s orders. However, all of them have a similar peculiarity – their captivating sincerity.
These online movies are in high quality about those who do not tolerate rules and conventions. Their characters do what they want, regardless of the generally accepted norms of behavior and the opinions of others. They don’t care what people think. However, their chosen methods are effective, and the main character, playing roulette with life, wins as a result. These attempts often border on the risk of life, and they sometimes seem to others so crazy that everyone turns away from the character. As a result, the truth is always with him. The rebel hero will break any rules and prove that the brakes were invented by cowards.
Today we have an unusual selection: a mix of madness, seasoned with dreams of music, crowds of screaming fans, a sea of alcohol and a few broken guitars.
Get comfortable and get ready to celebrate World Rock ‘n ‘Roll Day with crazy characters worthy of the cover of “The Rolling Stone”.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Abbie Sheridan, Adam Morris, Andy Madden, Annie Penn, Barney Shakespeare, Clare Glass, Cynthia Ruiz, Dan Channing-Williams, David Keadell, Fraser Fennell-Ball, Gareth Edwards, Garún Daníelsdóttir, Guy Mannerings, Israr Azam, James McGrady, John Mahaffie, Jonny Eagle, Josh Methven, Laura Miles, Natalie Wright-Cella, Phoebe Vale Markham, Roxanne Cuenca, Ryan Newberry, Sarah Mooney, Scott Nankivel, Simon Crane, Sussanah Madden, Suzi Wilson, Tamir Naber, Tarik Afifi, Teariki Leonard, Toby Evans, Toby Hefferman, Toby Hosking, Tom Edmondson, Tom Mulberge, Tom Turner, Tom White, William Thomas MöllerNo More Posts Available.
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