The Electric State (2025) Adventure, Drama, Davey Sawitzky, Ethan Guice, Ian Stone, Jody Blose, Matt Haggerty, R. Ben Parker, Tarik Karam Watch
HD Captain America: The First Avenger 20012024 Action, Adventure, Hollywood Movies, Brenda K. Wachel, Glen Trotiner, Joe Johnston, Jonathan Taylor, Lisa Vick, Richard Whelan, Samar Pollitt, Terry Madden Watch
HD Jack the Giant Slayer 28122023 Action, Adventure, Drama, Hollywood Movies, Bryan Singer, Jamie Christopher, Julie Brown Watch
HD Transformers: Age of Extinction 13122023 Action, Adventure, Hollywood Movies, Alicia Accardo, Franny Stafford, Jeff Okabayashi, Joe Fong Si-Hang, K.C. Hodenfield, Lemon Liu Yi-Man, Max Sturgeon, Michael Bay, Michael Saunders, Ralph Chau, Sophia Shek, Stanley Chan, Sylvia Liu, Weicheng Jiang Watch
HD Roald Dahl’s The Witches 11122023 Comedy, Family, Hollywood Movies, Giulia Patanè, Jason Inman, Lee Grumett, Mark Hopkins, Robert Zemeckis Watch
HD The Tale of Despereaux Adventure, Animation, Family, Hollywood Movies, Robert Stevenhagen, Sam Fell Watch
HD Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Adventure, Family, Hollywood Movies, Alexandra Archer, Brian Sepanzyk, Chad Belair, Jessica Clothier, Jim Brebner, Josy Capkun, Matt Paull, Thor Freudenthal Watch
HD Mr. Peabody & Sherman Adventure, Animation, Family, Hollywood Movies, Killian Gray, Rob Minkoff Watch
HD The Hunger Games Adventure, Hollywood Movies, Alain Lacroix, Aldric La'Auli Porter, Dawn Gilliam, Gary Ross, John Nasraway, John R. Saunders, Jon Kilik, Peter Rodger, Scott Farrar, Steve Pelchat Watch