HD The Green Hornet Action, Comedy, Crime, Hollywood Movies, Anne Rapp, Christina Fong, Jonathan Watson, Michael Hausman, Michel Gondry, Vic Armstrong Watch
HD Redbelt Drama, Hollywood Movies, Cara Giallanza, David Mamet, John "Tag" Tagamolila, Stephen E. Hagen Watch
HD Whiteout Action, Crime, Hollywood Movies, Dominic Sena, Lorette Leblanc, Nadia Guglieri, Petra Jorgensen, Susan Bambara Watch
HD Birds of Prey Action, Crime, Hollywood Movies, Alexander H. Gayner, Cathy Yan, Christina Fong, Dieter Busch, Dino Castelli, Eric Glasser, Jayson Merrill, Jody Blose, Jonathan Eusebio, Kathy McHugh, Matt McKinnon, Nadeem Ashayer, Oliver Mack Calhoun, R. Ben Parker, Tracy L. Moody Watch