Parasuram, shaped by traumatic childhood experiences, evolves into a ruthless enforcer, with the help of his aid Ramadasu, willing to sacrifice even his own family for immense wealth. Several years later, Parasuram’s daughter, Vishalakshi falls head over heels for Durga in Visakhapatnam and Meenakshi, Dasu’s daughter falls for the renowned DJ in Hyderabad. Parasuram becomes suspicious, suspecting that his nephews, strikingly resembling him, might be plotting revenge under the guise of love.
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Quality: HD
Cast:Abhinaya, Ajay, Ali Reza, Arundhathi Aravind, Charith Manas Posani, Dayanand Reddy, Eesha Rebba, Hari Teja, Kethvika, Kranthi Balivada, Lakshmi, Madhu, Master Karthik, Master Viharsh, Mirchi Kiran, Mirnalini Ravi, Nagoor Khan, Narasimha Reddy, Neela Ramana, Ping Pong Surya, Rajiv Kanakala, Rakhi Abhinaya, Ramya, Shashi Prapurma, Swetha Chowdary, Vijiho