Amar lives a middle-class life in India with his oft-critical dad, Basantlal and his mom, a housewife. When Basantlal decides to get Amar married to Ramprasad’s daughter, Amar accepts this. However, on the day of the wedding, Ramprasad is arrested by the police for embezzling Rs.20,000/- from his employer, he is tried in court and sentenced to a long prison term. Then Amar meets with a lovely young woman named Asha and both of them fall in love with each other. They would like to get married and want each other to meet their respective families. Before that could happen, a shocked Amar sees Asha holding hands and being intimate with his U.S.-returned friend, Prem Kumar. Looks like Amar’s heart is going to get broken, and by the looks of things, marriage may not be in his fate after all.
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