Aadisesh Naidu, is a well revered man living with his family in a village known for greedy property fights among the families. His elder son Bosu Babu and younger son Jagadish are loving brothers. After Aadisesh’s unexpected demise, Bosu Babu turns against Jagadish and wants to grab his property. How Jagadish reunites his family and carries on his father’s legacy forms the plot.
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Quality: HD
Director:Laxman Musuluri, Shiva Nirvana
Cast:Aishwarya Rajesh, Bhupal Raju, Bindu Chandramouli, C. V. L. Narasimha Rao, Daniel Balaji, Devadarshini, Jagapati Babu, Kancharapalem Raju, Kishore Kumar Polimera, Maala Parvathi, Nani, Naresh, Pammi Sai, Praveen, Raghu Babu, Ritu Varma, Sasidhar, Srikanth Iyengar, Thiruveer, Vaishnavi Chaitanya