A young teenager named Mikey Walsh finds an old treasure map in his father’s attic. Hoping to save their homes from demolition, Mikey and his friends Data Wang, Chunk Cohen, and Mouth Devereaux run off on a big quest to find the secret stash of Pirate One-Eyed Willie.
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Quality: HD
Year: 1985
Director:Betsy Norton, Dan Kolsrud, Patrick Cosgrove, Richard Donner, Sharon Gerhard, Steven Spielberg
Cast:Anne Ramsey, Bill Bradley, Charles McDaniel, Corey Feldman, Curtis Hanson, Cyndi Lauper, Elaine Cohen McMahon, Eric Briant Wells, Eydie Faye, Gene Ross, George Nicholas McLean, George Robotham, Jack O’Leary, Jeb Stuart Adams, Jeff Cohen, Jennie Lew Tugend, John Matuszak, Jonathan Ke Quan, Keith Walker, Kerri Green, Lisa Quan, Lupe Ontiveros, Martha Plimpton, Mary Ellen Trainor, Max Segar, Michael Paul Chan, Newt Arnold, Orwin C. Harvey, Patrick Cameron, Paul Tuerpe, Richard Donner, Rick Kuhn, Robert Davi, Sean Astin, Steve Antin, Ted Grossman