The story follows a young lawyer, Arthur Kipps, who is ordered to travel to a remote village and sort out a recently deceased client’s papers. As he works alone in the client’s isolated house, Kipps begins to uncover tragic secrets, his unease growing when he glimpses a mysterious woman dressed only in black. Receiving only silence from the locals, Kipps is forced to uncover the true identity of the Woman in Black on his own, leading to a desperate race against time when he discovers her true identity.
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Genre: Drama, Hollywood Movies
Quality: HD
Director:Caroline Bowker, James Watkins
Cast:Alexia Osborne, Alfie Field, Alisa Khazanova, Andy Robb, Aoife Doherty, Ashley Foster, Cathy Sara, Ciarán Hinds, Daniel Cerqueira, Daniel Radcliffe, David Burke, Ellisa Walker-Reid, Emma Shorey, Indira Ainger, Janet McTeer, Jessica Raine, Liz White, Lucy May Barker, Mary Stockley, Misha Handley, Molly Harmon, Roger Allam, Shaun Dooley, Sidney Johnston, Sophie Stuckey, Tim McMullan